Friday, July 6, 2012

A Loving Embrace

I've got just under 2 months before my plane leaves for a foreign land and by God's grace I am only a few hundred dollars shy of my financial goal! I've already had a bowling fundraiser planned for the beginning of August and so I'll be able to further support the orphanage, and perhaps some other organizations I will be working with in Kampala, maybe a baby hospital.
A little girl fell asleep in my arms the other night watching July 4th fireworks and while I rocked her on the porch I thought about the upcoming nights where I will be rocking my little orphans to sleep, or comforting them when they fall down; the human touch is astounding in its ability to evoke so many human emotions and I can't wait for my holding of these precious ones to be one offering immense love. Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Please keep praying for all the continued preparations both here and in Uganda.