Tuesday, September 11, 2012

no power...ugh!

We lost power last night at about 8 pm and it came back around 10:30 this morning, it was the best time to go out but when it happened again tonight I thought, 'Oh no, is this how it will be every night?'. Luckily, it came back on within 20 minutes!!
But I think the lack of power was the beginning for me of a difficult day. Emma, the littlest child just didn't like me this morning, probably because I was trying to teach him shapes and colors. And then I found myself frustrated with the kids often, before devotion time I made them sit silently for several minutes to think about their behavior, and then prayed with them for patience for their aunties and uncles and prayers for their behavior to have good listening ears, to remember to keep their hands to themselves, etc. I'm also most frustrated with a few things related to the staff and other volunteers that I just am not understanding. Please pray for guidance and wisdom in addressing this frustration for me. You know me, ever the productive, efficient, fair one...I'm struggling.
I did/do have two ways of being encouraged though:
1. Tomorrow is my day off and I can rest and take a break.
2. The kids have done really well learning their Bible verse, thanks to Auntie Joanna teaching it using some sign language! The verse is the motto for Rafiki ministries: Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after widows and orphans in their distress and to keep from being polutted by the world. James 1:27
Thanks for your prayers, your love and reading my blog!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you had such a rough day. Now you know what mom probably goes through!! What is wrong with the people you are working with?
    Also... I can't believe how they treat people with disabilities. That made me so sad!!
    Love you,
