Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sweet Little Oscar

Three precious things have happened with Oscar (the boy in the orphanage, not my boyfriend) this week:

1. He came running up to me and said you have to see Brenda's shirt, you have to come see, so I followed him intrigued. Brenda was wearing a Rafiki Africa Ministry t-shirt and on the back was the Bible verse they had learned from James the previous week, it is also the motto for the organization. As a new reader, he had suddenly discovered that he knew what it said and was soooo excited to show me.

2. I told the kids the other day in the courtyard to stop killing God's creatures, they quickly pick up caterpillars, ants, flies (which by the way are sooo much slower than flies in the US) and they don't mean to often but they do harm the little bugs, and sometimes they go straight to killing them, especially the lizards. So about 30 minutes after I tell them how important it is not to kill God's creatures, Oscar comes up to me and tells me that him and Joel had prayed to God and asked for forgiveness in killing his creatures.

3. Last night as I was praying for the boys Oscar was being disruptive, I finished my prayer and told him that it is inconsiderate to disrupt during prayer time when we are asking God for our needs and thanking Him for what he gave us. I then turned to Jerom who was asking a question, and by the time I was done Oscar leaned over his bunk and said, "Auntie Laura, I'm really sorry for disrupting during our prayers and I won't do it again."

Adorable right?!                                                                                                                9.24.12


  1. I can see how it warms your heart to teach these children about the Lord and the way he wants us to live. Thank you for sharing with us also:)

  2. I want to adopt Oscar. I wonder if your love for Oscar (not your boyfriend) is a sign that you should marry Oscar (your boyfriend). Sorry- had to say it!!
    Love you,
    Michelle (as if you couldn't guess from the post).
