Saturday, September 15, 2012

Washing feet and playtime

This week the children were learning the bible verse James 1:27 about caring for orphans and widows. Yesterday I read them the story of Jesus washing his Disciples' feet to reinforce that nobody is above serving others. After reading the story I told them that they were going to wash each others' feet, it was so precious to watch them so well behaved serving one another! Plus, they memorized the very long Bible verse, very impressive! Here are a few photos of the servants!               9.15.12

Wow, I am wiped! I got up and washed the windows of the house before the kids got up this morning. Then after bathing and feeding them, they helped clean the trash bins and buckets, while we did more laundry. I peeled potatoes (they call them irish potatoes), oh my goodness did I peel a lot! I think I'm going to buy the house a peeler, that would have been easier than the knife I was using. As I was sitting their thinking about it I realized, I hope that every time I use my peeler, or another modern convention that Rafiki doesn't have, I am going to thank God for his provisions. I hope I stick to this, then I'd really be praying without ceasing! Anyway, I made 8 PB&J sandwiches in anticipation of our afternoon swimming time. We ate an early lunch, but as we ate the rain began to pour. So much for swimming, or so we thought. After a brief nap we woke them up since the skies has cleared. In two shifts we transported all the kids and staff/volunteers to the recreation park where we swam and played on the playground for hours! After bathing and dinner we did our usual devotions and let them watch 1/2 an hour of a movie, but by 9:20 they needed to go to sleep, and so did I! What a fun day for the kids! 9.15.12



1 comment:

  1. What a great Bible verse activity!! Maybe you should be a teacher.
    What else do you notice that is different from here or that we take for granted? Will you be able to buy them a peeler there?
    Also, can you Skype while you are with the kids or record their voices? They are so adorable.
    Love you!!
