Sunday, September 30, 2012

one month

Tomorrow will mark my one month anniversary of being in Uganda. In addition, or perhaps because of my mission to serve others, I've been learning a lot about myself, ways to come through what I struggle with, and things that really don't matter so much anymore. I'm becoming more grateful for all that I have, not just material things, but anything you could consider a blessing; family, electricty, a job, the skills and talents I have.

What I've really come to realize is so important is communication; good, sound communication. When it is lost you lose respect for each other's time, commitments, feelings and the like, you lose touch with what other people's values are. I wish I could teach Ugandans, and honestly it seems to be a prevailing characteristic in much of Africa, how to communicate more effectively. The reason I am told that often people don't communicate is because of sensitivity, for instance they don't want to offend someone else in offering a better way of doing something. Hello Uganda, how much more could you prosper from talking, from listening!?

One thing that I've also been struggling with, but also working on, is not fixing systems. People do things the way they do them, and despite wanting to suggest another way, for a small or large system, its not my responsibility to change it. I struggle with this at home, wanting to do things the just way, the right way, but I am only me and can only fix so much. Luckily, the book Wrecked I am reading has helped me acknowledge sometimes its better to go support the established systems than try and balk the system and do it your own way.

One month down, two more months full of great learning experiences and wonderful opportunities to bless the children of Rafiki and the people of Kampala.

(To those of you trying to comment on my blog, I wish I knew a way to make it easier, but I just can't figure it out, so if you want to drop me a line and let me know you're reading:; thanks for viewing my page over 1300 times faithful friends!!!)


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