Sorry, this is going to be a bit of everything...
The other night I was lying on my back in my room to do some ab work and what is up on my ceiling but 3 lizards; its a bit harder to fall asleep when you see mice, coockroaches and lizards in your living space close to bedtime! I do partially blame myself for the lizards in my room, I never close the door to my room and as soon as I walk out the door I am outside, what do they know if its inside or out!
So about 10 minutes after I posted my blog yesterday I was going to return my computer upstairs before the kids got up from their rest time. It had been raining outside and as I approached the step I reminded myself to be careful on the very slippery steps. (I've already skidded a few times!) The stairs certainly wouldn't comply with ANSI A117.1, which is the governing handicapped accessible code in the US, because of the lack of an abrasive surface. But despite my reminder...boom, I was flat on my back, well not exactly flat cause they were stairs. (Luckily the computer sustained no damage!)
One hospital visit later to make sure nothing in my hips or tailbone were permanently damaged, I am a walking sore disaster. You ever hear that saying when someone complains about their pain, for instance in their arm, and then you say want me to punch the other one so that will stop hurting? Well, the pain that I had in my back before doesn't hurt anymore, but it could be because the other new pain is just much greater. Please don't have much pity for clumsy old me, I only went to the hospital because it cost me $22 to be consulted and examined, $18 for several x-rays and $5 for some medicated deep heat rub, and now I know there is nothing really wrong with all this pain I've been having in my back, new and old.
I had great reservations about going to the hospital. My pride being one of them, my pain is so little compared to what others endure, and is it really that bad or am I just not being tough?! Even as we drove home I see this man walking with a huge limp in his gait and think, what am I going to see the doctor about?! So I'm sore and walking funny, but this too shall pass. A little prayer for healing would be much appreciated. Guess what I'm doing on Wednesday again? Hello $8 massage!!
I was reading an article in the newspaper last week about electricty per capita in Uganda and they compared the figure to that of the rest of Africa on average, and to the US. Well, its no wonder Uganda has constant power outages...the per capita kilowatt hours of available electricity for Uganda is 75 kwh, the average for all of Africa is 798 kwh, and the average in the US is 2645 kwh! (My figures are not exactly correct because I don't have the article anymore, but they are within a few kwh!). By the way, power has been pretty good the last week or so (knock on wood).
Today we finished up learning about Moses and we made a book about all we learned. I made a quick cover page and then wrote at the top of each of 12 pages a different part of Moses' life and then the kids drew on them and then signed the last page of the book, it looks really cute, I can't wait to read them the finished product tomorrow!
We also instituted game night tonight, shout out to my mom who always played games with me, it helps you learn so much! The littlest ones played Candy Land, the middle ones played Memory/Matching, and then we played Alphabet Bingo with the biggest kids, it went quite well for doing this for the first time. Hopefully it can become a Saturday night ritual since Friday night is movie night (when the power is on!).
I led devotions tonight on Romans 14. I've been reading Romans, one chapter a night and tonight I'll finish the book. I really enjoyed Romans 14 because it discusses strong and weak characters. In verse 13 it reads, "Therefore let us stop passing judgement on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way." And then in verse 17 it says, "For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.". Go ahead and pick the old Bible up, its got plenty of wisdom in it!
Last week we learned about Creation. On the 5th day God created the birds of the air and the fish of the sea. I've been collecting toilet paper rolls, to not only save them from the trash, but also to do something creative with them. Well, Auntie Jo and I looked up some creative ideas on Pinterest and boom, we made some octopuses with the kids and hung them on the chalk board.
I've also been working with the two oldest kids to learn how to tell time...we're almost there in one week!! I'm so excited to be able to teach them something practical. Ironically enough I've been told that Ugandans use a different time table (hence their lack of timeliness probably); they use only 12 hours, sun up to sun down, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. For instance, they'll say they are coming by at 2, which means 9 a.m., because it is 2 hours after sun up...oy vay, someone else is going to have to work on that with them!
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