I led devotions tonight on resolving conflict because I have been reading Matthew and Proverbs daily and within 2 days of each other both books had something to say about it.
The passage in Proverbs (ch 6) was about when you make a mistake. It calls for you to humble yourself and ask for forgiveness, and not to wait, sleep on it, etc. but go right away as soon as you realize your wrong-doing and apologize. I think it is also important when you are the one who has been wronged for you to humble yourself, acknowledge even to the person you are asking to fix their mistakes, that you are often at fault for things too, it helps them feel less attacked and less on the defensive. Matthew 18: 15 tells us in the instance of a person wronging you to go and tell them their mistake. It's a great idea to have an accountability partner, someone to help you rectify ongoing struggles within yourself, you are almost to act like one in this instance. This is not telling us to share someone's mistake or wrong-doing with others in a gossipy way, just go acknowledge the issue with the person and hope for a resolution. If that doesn't work take along one or two people as witnesses to try and get the issue resolved. Very seldom would you have to go to the next step which is to share the concern with many others (a whole church) in hoping to find a resolution. If that doesn't work the passage tells us to treat them as a pagan or tax collector; if they aren't living right, even when taught and shown otherwise, they aren't living the way God has called us to. But notice there are many steps before this last one. We all stumble multiple times and sometimes it is over the same issue, luckily, like God's grace and mercy we are to offer second and third chances for rectifying problems.
What is most interesting, and something Auntie Jo can't stand about this passage, is that ministers and others (including myself, before) in prayer often say, "wherever two or three are gathered in my name, there you are also", but contextually this is talking about conflict resolution. God is ever present, it doesn't require two or three of us to be together. 11.24.12
There are a couple of things I want to work on with the kids, some might be a little young for a few things, but I can't single any child out or they'll have a fit. One thing I want to teach them is how to use scissors, so today I asked Auntie Jo to make big shapes on construction paper and at some point this week we'll learn how to cut! Auntie Jo also started teaching Fauziya how to floss yesterday, but the other big kids should learn too. I also want to work on prayer time with them: how to pray, what to pray for, how to be thankful in prayers, etc.
Just one week left...sad and happy. 11.24.12
Make sure you take all the pictures you want to during this final week. Try to get a group shot too. Can't wait to see you on Monday!!