Saturday, November 17, 2012

Quiet Lives

I read my daily devotion this morning from God Calling and it was called Quiet Lives, it was based on Matthew 25:21: Well done, thou good and faithful servant...enter thou into the joy of thy lord. And it follows with some words as if written by God saying, "The world may never see it, the humble, patient, quiet service, but I see it, and My reward is not Earth's fame, Earth's wealth, Earth's pleasures, but the Joy Divine."

Reading through Matthew 13 with all the Parables and how in Jesus' hometown they were far from believers, its evident that its seldom the famous names, the large leaders who willingly search for God's joy and serve faithfully in His name.

So thank you all that willingly and joyfully go and visit the lonely, or care for the sick, thank you to those who clean up the mess of this world, quietly and humbly in only the sight of God for the glory of His kingdom. I'm thinking of many of you that read this blog that have set a great example to me. 


1 comment:

  1. Hi Laura,

    just got home from scott and michelle's with MM..we watched UFC 154 and George St. Pierre had an amazing, amazing comeback victory over George Condit.....Scott was next to the TV shouting, MM was standing and I was hollering..cause it was mighty iffy at one point...How far from the quie African night

    miss you....see you soon. love

