Friday, November 30, 2012

Learned & Learning

What I've learned:

1. How to be thankful, for basic things in particular.

2. That I am extremely blessed. Not only with money and material things, but with gifts and talents, and supportive, loving friends and family.

3. That the Bible is a great resource to combat issues, understand how others have triumphed through difficulties, and how God wants me to live. This is an ongoing learning experience, that began before my arrival but that I was very aware of during my time here.

4. Several Lugandan words (I spelled them the way they sound to me, not necessarily properly):

Sidika - quiet Sidika wo - hush Moi Sidike - shut up

Abaana - children Owanji - Yes Nada - no

Abawala - girls Abalunghi - boys Kalle - you're welcome

Tulle - sit down Weballe - Thank you Jinde - I am fine

Mele - Food Jangu - come Vaio - go

5. That I function on a very high level and my switch is turned on all the time; I'm always aware of my surroundings and environment, but most people are not.

6. That I have an ability to teach and direct others.

7. That kids grow up way too fast, and sometimes too soon, and that spending quality time with them is essential.

8. That we all could use some psychotherapy, or at least a best friend that tells you when you're wrong, listens well, and offers good advice.

9. That I am thankful to live in a place that has mixed cultures, races and languages, because here I stick out way too much.

10. How to drive on the wrong side of the car and the wrong side of the road.

What I still need to work on:

1. Patience.

2. Focusing on my own work and not getting frustrated with others' lack of work ethic.

3. Finding peace and quiet time for myself (although I did this to some extent every day, Auntie Jo still thinks I need more "me" time).

4. Being gentle when instructing others.

5. That other people can do the work too, it might not be to my standards, or the way I do it, but that is ok. 11.29.12

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