Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Modern-day mission work

I can not imagine going through the trials that Paul experienced, all the struggles he endured to spread the love of Jesus, and how he just kept on preaching despite being imprisoned, and he did it joyfully! Since I've just read through the books of Galations, Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians, I think I am more grateful for Paul's work and I believe that without him Christianity wouldn't have the popularity it does today. He did so much to spread, encourage and continuously foster the hearts of those he originally preached to.

I am also very thankful that my missional experience is happening in the 21st century where I can receive and send emails, I can skype my sister and see her growing belly, and I can read about what is happening globally, plus keep all of you informed of my journey, both physically and spiritually. (I reached 3000 page views on Saturday and believe it to be about 75 people that read my blog daily now. Thank you!) Paul didn't have any modern conventions and yet he spread the truth of Jesus so broadly on his journeys.

So tonight I'm thankful for Paul and modern conventions! 11.18.12

1 comment:

  1. Wow, didn't know that many people were reading your blog.
    Glad I made it into your blog today :)
